Monday, March 22, 2010

An Open Letter to PBS

Dear PBS,

If you want me to give you money your pledge brakes should not consist of programming that I would pay not to watch.

For example, The 2 hours of music theater majors performing Celtic Music in front of a castle with a fog machine going full tilt that you aired Thursday. I would pay $40 to not watch that. In fact, I have written a check for $40 made out to my dog becasue she is willing to play fetch with me in order to stop me from having to watch that.

Or take Friday's 4 hour self-help program designed to convince Baby Boomers that if they think positively and drink green tea they won't die. I have made out a check for $60 to the chuckleheads on Paranormal State for having a more realistic world view.

Finally, let us consider the extensive documentary about early television that you won't stop running. A documentary about television that was so bad that you were invented to counteract it.
I have written a check for $100 to the skeleton of PT Barnum for at least providing real live elephants with his bread and circuses.

Elephants are rad.

Everyone under the age of 65

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